Erik Erikson's theory of personality development among other approaches

E. Erickson's epigenetic theory of personality development is one of the most authoritative and well – established theories of personality development. At the same time, it is important to understand which approach it implements, which questions it answers and which it does not.

Personal development is interesting not only for psychologists. Personal development is also important for teachers who develop the personality of children of different ages, personal development is important for businessmen who are interested in developing the personality of their employees, personal development is also important for people who want to develop their personality.

It is important to note that the concept of E. Erickson is almost entirely in the psychological field, focusing to a small extent on pedagogical needs. As A.V. Petrovsky wrote:

""it is necessary to distinguish between the psychological approach to personal development and the periodization of age stages based on it, and the pedagogical approach to the sequential isolation of socially determined tasks of personality formation at the stages of ontogenesis.

The first of them is focused on what psychological research really reveals at the stages of age-related development in the corresponding specific historical conditions, what is (""here and now"") and what can be in the developing personality in the conditions of purposeful educational influences. The second — on what and how should be formed in the individual so that it meets all the requirements that society imposes on it at this age stage"" (A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. FUNDAMENTALS of THEORETICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Moscow: INFRA-M, 1998).

However, in a hidden way, the Erik Erikson model offers some pedagogical solutions. Listing the natural stages of personality development that are common to all people, Erickson actually tells his readers at what age they should make what decisions so that the next stage of their life goes well, and not crookedly. Since there is no evidence that such choices can be made only unconsciously and cannot be made consciously (indeed, why not?), there is a certain, disguised pedagogical meaning in the model of E. Erickson.

On the other hand, it seems that it makes no sense to study this theory for someone who wants to become A person with a capital letter, who studies the ways of self-development and self-improvement of the individual. Personal development can be the result of both natural, passive, and active personal growth and development of the individual, which occurs as a result of the author's initiatives of the person himself.

In passive personal growth, intelligence and psychological culture grow naturally, just as the human body grows. Along with the body, the intellect slowly develops, and gradually, in the course of life, a General and psychological culture is naturally formed. The psychological picture of this process is described by different psychologists in their own way, but the General line is the same: a person goes through his natural path from childhood to adolescence, from youth to maturity, and then to old age.

E. ConceptErickson's concept of personal development is not a guide for those who want to develop themselves as a person. Erickson describes the natural, passive growth of a natural psychologically healthy personality, recording only the successful passage of important stages and noting when there may be failures in psychological health and a person needs psychotherapy.

Erickson's clients did not read A. N. Leontiev's ""you are not born a Person, you become a person!"" and did not set the task of ""creating yourself"". Clients came to Erik Erikson with the experience of ""losing themselves"", with the desire to find themselves, to feel their own identity. Erickson had something to offer them: the concept he created provided explanations that were understandable to his clients, soothing them (""you have a natural crisis for your age, like everyone else""), and carefully suggested ways out of a positive scenario (""a Favorable solution to your conflict is love"").

The concept of Erik Erikson does not directly set itself pedagogical, educational or developmental tasks, it States the existing situation as the norm and notes unsuccessful, maladaptive, undesirable development options. Erik Erikson's concept is a manual for psychotherapy rather than for specialists in personal development. At the same time, this concept gave a reasonable, beautiful, pedagogically attractive picture of personal development and helped a lot of people.