Time to think

Does it happen that you promise someone or yourself: ""I need to think”,"" I'll think it over”, etc.? And then time passes, new cases and turmoil take hold, and you forget to think about what you promised...

To think about something, whether it's choosing a new car or school for a child, goals for life, or marking in a book next to some thought: ""think” or reflect on some work task-this is the same thing as all the others in your plan for the day. Accordingly, this matter must be planned.

Every day, set aside time for yourself to think about a specific issue / task.

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If you do not have the habit of solving something (thinking) in parallel with some business, it is likely that just saying: ""I'll think about it” you will forget about it and the issue will remain unresolved. This is a plus, because if you forgot about something, then perhaps it is not so necessary for you? On the other hand, if you let the decision of an issue take its course, you can also miss opportunities that may affect your life in the future. What if the idea of "" launching a new project”, which you did not think about, was sensible, and if you had allocated time for it , you would have made a new turn in your business?

So how do you allocate time to solve questions and think for a while?

Be sure to write down the thoughts you need to think about in a separate list in your diary or notebook. Let your diary or notebook be always at hand, because a lot of useful thoughts come during the day, especially when you communicate with someone, solve work issues, read books, watch movies, study.

1. During the day to allocate time (5, 10, 15 or more? minutes) to resolve an issue from your list. Plan this case like any other in your diary. Perhaps this will be the time in the morning when your loved ones are still asleep, and you are sitting comfortably in the kitchen with a Cup of hot coffee or tea and allow yourself 10-15 minutes to reflect on something important. Or maybe it will be time on the road, when you can solve some issue on the go, combining with the trip. What options will you have?

2. To make the time “to think” effective, bring your thinking to a specific result: a ready-made solution to the issue, a clearly formulated thought, a planned action. For example, think about how to celebrate a birthday – decide where I will celebrate my birthday, make a guest list, and calculate the budget.

This obvious, simple and at the same time very capacious algorithm will put your thoughts in order. After all, all the most valuable things that are worth your attention and consideration - you write down. This will significantly increase your efficiency and involvement in some business. You will begin to think about something purposefully, to decide.

What else do you need?

  • clear wording, better with a prepared result. Not "" think about what school we want to assign the child to”, but “draw up clear criteria for the school we want to send the child to and compare it with the list of schools closest to us”. The second formulation will give you specifics and a tangible result of time to "" think”.
  • choosing the place and time when you will think. And also-the ability to combine the solution of a certain issue with something. For example, think about something specific when you are washing dishes, waiting for your turn. Or maybe you will also set aside such time for yourself specifically during the day. For example, in the morning or in the evening, add another 10-15 minutes to think about something to plan for tomorrow.

Start thinking about important things in a targeted way and in order to get a result/ready-made solution. And the valuable time allocated “to think” will pay off in full!