Adoptive children: the danger of congenital factors

Adoptive children: the danger of congenital factors

​​​​​​​There are many situations where the​​​​​​​ question of​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ congenital factors is very relevant. Thanks to science, nowadays, everyone has an access to investigate that, after a making a genetic analysis of your blood, will warn you in advance about the risk of certain dangerous deseases. So what? All you need to do is contact these specialists in a timely manner, you do not need to understand the issue of genetics and congenital deseases on your own.

СМАРТ (SMART) - критерії грамотно поставленої мети

СМАРТ (SMART) - критерії грамотно поставленої мети

СМАРТ (SMART) - принцип, на відповідність якому корисно перевіряти поставлені цілі.

Anderson's theory of intelligence and cognitive development (GDP)

Anderson's theory of intelligence and cognitive development (GDP)

One of the criticisms of Gardner's theory points out that a high level of abilities related to any of the identified manifestations of intelligence, as a rule, correlates with a high level of abilities related to other manifestations of intelligence; that is, that none of the specific abilities is completely independent of the others (Messick, 1992; Scarr, 1985). In addition, psychologist Mike Anderson points out that Gardner does not clearly define the nature of multiple intellectual abilities — he calls them ""behaviors, cognitive processes, and brain structures"" (1992, p. 67). Because of this uncertainty, Anderson attempted to develop a theory based on the idea of General intelligence put forward by Thurstone and others.

Altruistic behavior: situational and personal variables

Altruistic behavior: situational and personal variables

​​​​​​​The article is based on the book ""Social psychology"" by David Myers.

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