Діти-лідери та діти-ведені. Випуск 2010-07-14

Діти-лідери та діти-ведені. Випуск 2010-07-14

Дорогі колеги!

Панічні атаки. Випуск 2011-02-21

Панічні атаки. Випуск 2011-02-21

Досить типовий запит від клієнтів, звичайно жінок - «» у мене панічні атаки «». Що це таке і що з цим робити?

Questions that guide me through life

Questions that guide me through life

When I finish my studies at the University of practical psychology, I will start independent work. Who will give me tasks and recommendations? What will guide me in my future life?

Hypnosis, suggestion, and trance

Hypnosis, suggestion, and trance

​​​​​​​Before William James, there were two warring views on hypnosis. Everyone agreed that under hypnosis, people show abilities that they do not normally have, but argued that the real reason for these effects of hypnosis. Some researchers believed that these effects are created by the trance state that people fall into under hypnosis. Others were convinced that trance had nothing to do with it, and these amazing abilities appear in people as a result of suggestions from the hypnotist.

My simple correct childhood

My simple correct childhood

I am the first child in a young family of creative people, a year and three months later I had a brother. We lived with my family in Tula, first in an apartment, then moved to a private house, and later bought a house in the suburbs, where I spent my childhood and youth until I left my parents ' nest. My parents had a workshop right at home, so most of the time they were present at home, which allowed them to devote enough time to our upbringing during breaks in work.